Katy Postnatal Mum


I just wanted to thank your for your support over the past 6 months. I feel like me again, and that's thanks to your advice, guidance, support and motivation. Every week you've given me new ideas to keep exercise interesting and nutritional tips (Rich tea biscuits a carb-lovers staple!) 

You've even made me consider having another by showing me that it is possible to get back in shape after the second and subsequent babies!

It's not just your knowledge but your bubbling enthusiasm that was so key to keeping me going!

It was a pleasure to work with Katy. With a home gym complete with treadmill and weights each week steady progress was made and strength returned.

Home sessions are available depending on availability.

Get in touch

If you have any questions we’d love to help! Click here to send us a message.


Diane Postnatal home program

