Postnatal FAQ

  • Exercise has the following benefits for postpartum women:

    Boost your energy: Being a new mum can sap your energy, exercise not only strengthens your cardiovascular system so you don't tire as easily. But also strength training supports muscular strength and endurance.

    Promotes better sleep: Exercise will help you work off any excess energy and tire you enough to lull you into a more restful sleep.

    Make great friendships: Spending time and making friends with other new mums is invaluable. Here at Keep mums Fit my ladies are friends for life. From WhatsApp groups to coffee mornings support is always available. Exercise makes you feel good and exercising with like minded mums helps boost motivation and confidence.

    Reduce discomfort and niggles: Overall, regular exercise strengthens your muscles, which helps your body cope better with the aches and pains often associated with post birth feeding and carrying positions. Stretches ease back pain, walking improves your circulation, and swimming can strengthen your postural muscles.

    Evidence also suggests a protective effect of exercise on coronary heart disease, osteoporosis and hypertension, as well as a reduced risk of colon cancer, and perhaps breast cancer, and reduced body mass.

    May reduce the risk of postnatal depression stress and anxiety to lift your spirits: Having a child is a life-changing, momentous experience that can leave you feeling simultaneously ecstatic, overwhelmed, and anxious. Exercise boosts levels of serotonin, a brain chemical linked to mood, putting you in better spirits.

    Improve self-image: Staying active helps you feel better about yourself and improves your odds of regaining strength and vitality.

    Regain your strength faster: Taking part in a safe progressive exercise program such as our Postnatal Foundation course from as early as 6 weeks post birth will enable the mind body connection to reignite and strength return. This alone is motivation enough for many women to embark on a postpartum exercise regimen.

    It can help you lose the extra weight that you may have gained during pregnancy. When combined with a colourful, high protein nutritional plan.

  • If you had a healthy pregnancy and a normal vaginal delivery, you should be able to start exercising again soon after the baby is born. Usually, it is safe to begin exercising a few days after giving birth with gentle pelvic floor and abdominal connection exercises. If you have had a cesarean section you may wish to wait until you feel more comfortable.

    For more structured exercise such as the postnatal foundation course. Following a vaginal delivery you can attend from 6 weeks post birth. Following a cesarean you may wish to wait until 8 weeks.

    This is very individual and if you wish to start earlier please discuss with your GP and contact us.

    It is not advisable to start before your bleeding has stopped completely.

    There is no rush the postnatal body needs time to heal, rest and recover

    Postnatal Courses run frequently throughout the year. The program is safe effective and led by experienced trainers, and includes progressive strength and conditioning, pelvic floor and stretch exercises. We go back to basics and build.

    For more information on the class structure visit the link here

  • Although the exercises we perform post birth to support and aid recovery are designed to benefit all of the conditions and symptoms below. It’s always beneficial and recommended to seek professional advice before you start.

    We liaise with physios on a regular basis and are happy with your consent to contact them to discuss the best combined partnership to ensure your safe recovery.

    If you have:

    Pelvic floor incontinence heaviness leaking or pain after 6 weeks post delivery check with your physio and/or Doctor.

    Been diagnosed with rectus diastasis you can still attend and exercises will be adapted.

    Pelvic girdle pain, back pain, Knee or muscular skeletal problems that have not settled discuss with physio and/or Doctor

    Been diagnosed with vaginal or rectal prolapse discuss with physio and/or Doctor for advice.

  • Women should be advised to seek medical advice should any of the below symptoms occur. You may be advised to not exercise.

    Excessive shortness of breath

    Chest pain or palpitation


    Increased or heavy vaginal bleeding

    Excessive fatigue

    Slow healing perineal tears

    C/S wound infections

    Abdominal pain, particularly in back or pubic area


    Muscle weakness

    Calf pain or swelling.

    High Blood pressure

    Feel unwell

    Have an infection

    Please note: You are exercising of your own free will, and can stop at any time. Please inform your instructor if there are any changes to your condition.

  • The aim from the start is to support your safe return to fitness and build a strong foundation on which to progress. You’ll learn how to:

    Re-establish alignment

    Restore balance through movement strength and fitness training

    Reconnect breathing, pelvic floor, back and abdominals to regain strength

    Rediscover the value of nutrition to aid postnatal recovery

    The structure of the course

    Our first session is all about getting to know you and setting the scene for the next 6 weeks. We will begin upstairs where you can all chat, share experiences (If you wish) and together we can discuss your health aims and fitness goals.

    Both Shannon and I will chat to you individually and privately and Shannon will offer you a postural assessment and give recommends and I [Kate]will assess abdominal tone, tension and check for diastasis gap plus discuss pelvic floor health.

    If you have any questions, from breastfeeding to nutritional advice please do ask, we are here to support you regain not only exercise confidence but transition to parenthood. So if you have any worries or concerns, areas of tightness pain or discomfort do let us know on the day and add further information to the screening form which you will need to fill out before you attend, we can then prescribe personal exercise support.

    Once we have chatted you will be taken through a gym induction showing you the machines and equipment. This often takes the whole of the first session time! The aim is not to get sweaty in this first session, the aim is reconnection.

    Following on from the first session, here are a few extra details and a recap on what to expect over the next 6 weeks.

    The session will be 45 minutes to an hour long and we will begin our exercise sessions with mobility, postural corrective exercises and end with pelvic floor rehabilitation before progressing on to strength sessions in the gym and eventually more dynamic exercises week 5 and 6

    Once you have had an induction on the gym equipment pleased do feel free to come a little earlier to the gym and you can warm up on one of the cardio machines.

    Please wear comfy clothes a supportive bra! add a crop top if needed and wear trainers. Have water to hand

    You can rest at any point throughout the session – work at your own level of fitness and pace.

    You’ll also receive extensive exercise and nutritional guides.

    Top baby tip: Keep your little ones in their normal routine and please don’t worry if they wake and need feeding it’s all part of the motherhood challenge!

    We will be on hand for safe baby cuddles is you wish. We have baby chairs and mats available. Do bring a baby blanket with.

    If you have older children and you know they will be happy, settled and content then do bring them along They can sit in our seated area designed for little ones.

    If however you doubt they will be content then it is advisable for they to stay at home.

  • Although we currently do not have specific postnatal classes as group personal training has become a popular option, we are constantly updating our timetable to accommodate our Postnatal mums so do look out for available classes and if you have a group of like minded friends that would like to train together then we can create classes to suit.

    Progressive exercise is split into 3 main areas of progression: Fitness, Movement and Strength.

    moving on from the course you will develop a real sense of achievement as exercises are combined with equipment cardio, and movement with the aim of getting you stronger and closer to your specific fitness goals.

    The combination of exercises we prescribe are safe and will activate your entire body to work efficiently without the risk of injury.

    Baby comes too

    Get in touch for more information

  • Many mums are keen to get back to exercise as soon as they feel ready, but slow and steady wins the race. Modifications and changes need occur to exercise safely and progressively.

    Personal training offers the chance to work with an expert to create a personal program tailored to your current level of ability, and available time.

    Focus on change is a perfect starter experience 2 PT sessions and access to the gym.


    You have the option of personal training once or twice a week - No frills 12 PT sessions Exp 14 weeks from date of purchase is a popular option.

    or Monthly Payment Perspire or Glow which includes access to the gym and classes.

    If you and a group of friends, wish to train together we offer Group personal training for 4 of you.

    For more information about any of or PT options contact us

  • Dressing comfortably is a priority. Do not wear restrictive clothing; tracksuit bottoms, leggings and a t-shirt or specific sportswear will be fine.

    A supportive bra is essential I recommend Shock absorber or Freya active sports bra.

    Comfortable (clean) Trainers

    Please do not wear Dirty trainers in the studio or gym area - for pilates yoga and pure stretch non slip socks are ideal.

    Always bring Water or diluted juice to every session.

  • This varies according to individual goals, but a typical 60 minute session will start with a 5 minute warm up either on the treadmill, exercise bike or functional training. The aim is to gradually warm up the muscles to be used, raise the heart rate and lubricate the joints in preparation for the main activity, thus preventing injury. Feel free to come in a little earlier to warm up.

    The main section may include:

    Functional strength exercises working all muscle groups: shoulders, back, chest, legs, core and arms. Incorporating a variety of equipment and body weight exercises.

    To boost metabolism and increase weight loss if this is your aim a mixture of dynamic training maybe used. Including circuits.

    Weight training will be added to every program. Ladies Don’t be put off! you will not gain muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger as we don’t produce enough testosterone, but the benefits of using weights is well researched and documented.

    Instead by using weights you will tone up, drop body fat and become leaner.

    Postural awareness and corrective exercises aimed at improving core strength will slowly bring down the heart rate and help your body cool down.

    Stretching to finish the session will help in preventing muscle soreness and will highlight areas that need extra work. Using a variety of methods from foam rolling to bands to body weight stretches.

    Nutritional guidance and support given: extra nutritional recipe packs are available to download - easy to cook no fuss calorie counted and Macro counted.

    Each program is tailored to the individual - plans will be developed for your personal needs. If you are also using the gym you can pick up your personal program from reception and follow your program.

    We advise you bring a notebook and pen so you can record your progression.

    If you work with a Physio we can introduce exercises they have prescribed.

  • Personal training sessions are booked via the Glofox app (Kate Campbell Fitness) Click Trainers and choose your date and time.

    Gym sessions and Classes are booked via the Glofox app (Kate Campbell Fitness) Click classes

    Read Glofox how to guide here this is the best and most efficient way to book sessions.


    We are not a walk in gym. All sessions are booked in advance via glofox to ensure the gym does not get overcrowded. Since working this way we have noticed an increase in gym attendance, a more personalised experience as we know when you are coming in and all our clients have told us their motivation has increased.

    Booking advisable in advance to secure your spot.

    If you need to cancel please cancel 2hrs before a class - your credit will be returned.

  • If you need to cancel a class or gym session you can do this 2 hours before and your credit will be returned and can be used again.

    For PT sessions you must give a minimum of 24 hours notice for your credit to be returned or you lose that session credit.

    What happens if I miss a session or class?

    Courses are not refundable and classes missed are not carried over.

  • Many people have bought personal training programs or sessions to work with us on specific goals and will continue to train elsewhere.

    For example you might be a member of Virgin because of the great family facilities - but you know that our training is bespoke and client focused so you purchase 12 Personal training sessions receive a tailored personalised experience with us.

    You see a class you love, a workshop that you’re interested in or a course Book attend and enjoy

    PAYG is available for PT and classes

    Our services programs and assessments can all be accessed online

    We can connect via zoom an online platform where we can see each other, chat and perform practical assessments and exercise.

    Digital programmes are downloadable

    Fitness on demand is a library of Postnatal videos which you can do at home for less than £10 per month (Cancel anytime) A huge range of strength and pelvic floor guided workouts are available.

    If you are a member of another gym or don’t live in Sheffield we can create a personalised program just for you.

    Contact us for more information

  • Yes exercise programs can be designed for your individual needs.

    Fill out the personal training screening form with as much detail as possible including equipment you have at home or in the gym you attend and we will create a phased weekly program based on your goals.

  • Please read the terms and conditions before joining.

    Click here for full T&Cs

Returning to exercise after having a baby maybe something you are interested in knowing more about and we are here to support you return to exercise safely.

Our Aim is to give you the necessary practical information to enable you to create a strong body through nutrition, core recovery strategies and exercise advice.

Together with my team we has developed progressive programs to support your safe return to the exercises and sports you love.