Conquer Leg Workouts Despite Knee and Ankle Pain

Before you start

  1. Seek physio advice if you haven’t previously. They can identify the problems you may have and can give you rehab exercises to improve and add strength to the muscles surrounding the joints that are in pain.

  2. Plan to train with a PT or exercise specialist. Training with someone who does regular coaching will mean they are able to plan and adapt to your specific requirements and goals, factoring in any injuries or problems you may be facing.

Techniques you can try

When doing Deadlifts or RDL’s with a Barbell try going barefoot. Going barefoot will mean the bar starts higher up your legs and you will have a better/stronger grip stance on the floor. This can prevent any wobbling when wearing spongy running shoes and will keep your ankle and knee more stable.

Try starting with Dumbbell Goblet Squats. For people who have limited mobility due to knee or ankle pain/injuries this can be a great starting point or alternative to standard squats. If your ankle is stiff or in pain from previous injuries I would recommend Heel Elevated Dumbbell Goblet Squats. Having your heels lifted (place a weighted plate/pad underneath) provides artificial ankle mobility. This is great for reaching full range of motion while maintaining good form under load.

If you have access to Fixed Resistance Machines, I recommend giving these a go for lower body exercises. Start light and focus on machines that feel comfortable without causing too much joint stress.

As someone who suffers with both knee and ankle pain due to persistent injuries, I find that Weighted Step Ups and Hip Thrusts/ Glute Bridges are relatively pain free. However, this will vary from person to person, and I will reiterate that people who suffer from this pain should see a physio before exercising.

The key is to find exercises that work for you. Focus on movements that cause as little stress to the joint as possible while striving for Progressive Overload. This can be achieved using light weights if you steadily aim to improve over time. You can add rep alterations, for example pause reps to increase the difficulty/ time under tension. Try adding more reps/ sets to exercises before adding weight.

Move Well Therapy with Shannon combines 1-1 bespoke strength sessions with rehabilitation and mobilisation / massage treatments. A winning combination enabling you to move well pain free.

Let us know how we can help contact us today and we will be in touch to chat about options available.



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