Pregnancy and Postnatal Memories

Looking back at my 'nearly ready to pop' KCF blog with my first pregnancy it's full of hope and excitement.

But then I was thrown into a colic-filled haze of having a newborn in a national lockdown! Pregnant with baby number two I was feeling a bit apprehensive of being in the same throes and with a tot around my ankles.

Buttttt during my second pregnancy I had the luxury of the wonderful online fitness on demand pregnancy classes, that weren't previously available, increasing my compliance to exercise and generally managing my mental health, allowing me to burst out of my PJs on a Sunday evening when I just really need to move my body for 20 minutes.

I loved the on-demand classes, being able to fit them in around the dreaded 'bedtime' and working at the hospital and choosing the length of the class based on how I'm feeling or what type of class I want from weights to mobility, energetic to relaxing.

The in-person classes are not to be missed, every Tuesday with a lovely support network of other mums-to-be we learnt so much from each other and it was fun getting accustomed to using the gym equipment appropriately with the ever-growing bump!

Although I’m pre and postnatal trained and a personal trainer - I have still increased my understanding of working out in the antenatal and postnatal period, thanks to the wonderful Kate!

With baby number two safely delivered I couldn’t wait to start the postnatal pathway again, starting simply with low intensity, one-directional movements and re-engaging the stabilising muscles, with a graded approach to jumps, changing direction, lifting heavier and aiming for high intensity interval training, resistance training and buggy bootcamp online. I got back to climbing, running and netball, leaking boobs and all!

It has been the biggest reassurance though working out with Kate knowing that everything we do is safe and hugely beneficial. And actually doing pelvic floor exercises rather than a squeeze a week like some many of us have done before!

I look forward to seeing you in the gym with your little ones and although I’m back in the hospital again in my role as a physiotherapist - I’ll teaching again in the not-so-distant future!

We love what we do so do not hesitate to join us, you know you will be in expert hands.

If you want advice and knowledge, then visit the Keep Mums Fit section of the website or click here to book you Free pregnancy class which run every Tuesday evening 7.15-8.30pm

Lauren at Keep mums fit


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